LinkedIn Learning

I have video courses available on LinkedIn Learning on a variety of topics from SQL to dbatools. This requires a subscription but if you don’t have one reach out to me and I can share a free course with you.

  • Jess Pomfret Author Page
    • Automating SQL Server with dbatools - It’s no secret that I love dbatools, and this course is the perfect introduction to the tool. This course will also provide you with some great real world use cases.
    • Level Up: Advanced SQL - I think the format of this course is really interesting. I set challenges, you solved them, and then I talk through my answer. The neat part is that the course includes a dev container where you can work with the same environment as me - no need to install anything!
    • Introduction to Transact-SQL - If you’re just starting out with SQL Server then this course will be perfect for learning T-SQL basics.
    • ********… - I’m not allowed to reveal the course yet, but there is another one launching January 2025 that I’m excited to share with you all.
LinkedIn Learning still

If you enjoy the courses, please let me know!

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